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Kanji Vada

Kanji vada is traditionally made on Holi. It works as an appetizer as one tends to eat a lot of fried and heavy food during the festival.

Vadas are fried lentil dumplings with fermented rai or mustard seeds water. As it is fermented kanji gets a tangy sour flavor.


Servings: 1 liter water, around 12 vadas


For Vadas:

  • 1/2 cup urad daal (black gram skinned)

  • 1/4 teaspoon jeera (cumin seeds)

  • parchment paper

  • water as needed

  • oil for frying

For Kanji:

  • 4 cups water

  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon black salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder

  • 2-3 teaspoon rai (coarsely ground, red mustard seeds. See notes.)

  • 1/4 teaspoon hing (asafoetida)

  • 4 cups of water for soaking vadas after frying


  • Soak urad daal for 4 hours in 2 cups of water.

  • Drain the water and coarsely grind the daal, adding a tablespoon of water or no water at all (see notes).

  • Place a deep heavy bottom pan or kadai with oil for frying on medium high heat .

  • For making vadas take a piece of parchment paper and dab your fingers with a little water.

  • Scoop a ball of daal mixture and place it on parchment paper and shape into vadas (doughnut shape) by flattening it and making a hole in the center.

  • Sprinkle 3-4 cumin seeds on it.

  • Gently slide the vadas into hot oil and fry them till golden brown .

  • Take 4 cups of water in a big bowl and dip all of the vadas for 10 minutes and then drain the water.

  • For kanji add 4 cups of water in a big, clean, glass jar. Add in salt, black salt, red chilli powder, mustard seeds, and asafoetida.

  • Give it a good stir.

  • Slide all the vadas one by one into the jar.

  • Place this jar for a minimum of 3 days in sunlight.

  • Stir kanji once during the day with a clean spoon.

  • Consume kanji within 7 days.


  • Do not add too much water while grinding the daal.

  • Fry the vadas on medium high heat.

  • Make sure the glass jar is clean and sterilized.

  • Serve kanji in a tall glass.

  • If the daal grinds coarsely without water, the water is not needed.

  • Rai photo is down below for reference:


  • Vada picture:

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Jun 25, 2021

My favorite!! Will surely try this recipe

Jun 25, 2021
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Hope you enjoy it @sonsidory :)

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